Friday 4 March 2011

Chain of fools : Upgrading through every version of Windows

Here is a video presentation covering an experiment I recently performed, in which I upgraded through every major version of Windows. Below that I'll try and add some detail that I didn't cover in the video.

My parents have had a PC since I was about 5, so I have many nostalgic memories about early versions of MS-DOS and Windows. This is probably why I chose this project, as it gave me a chance to relive some of those memories, and finally gave me something to do with my cupboard full of old computer software.

I got the idea from a 90s computer magazine article I vaguely remember (possibly from PC Format?), which essentially did the same procedure but only from Windows 3.0 to Windows 98. Since virtual machine technology is much more mature now, and there are four additional versions of windows, I thought it would be a great time to repeat the experiment. I installed Doom 2 and Monkey Island as tester applications, as I found the installation disks for them while I was looking for Windows disks, and those were two of my favourite games from the period (and still are).

The whole procedure took 3 days, of which approximately 12 hours was spent doing the actual installing - the rest of the time was spent trying to obtain valid copies of windows. One of the biggest problems was that Windows 95 and 98 came in two versions - Upgrade and Full. I had old disk copies of every Full version of Windows, but they cannot upgrade earlier versions. Luckily I was able to borrow a Windows 95 upgrade disk from a friend, and 98 was installed by renaming system files to trick it into upgrading.

Another hurdle that had to be overcome was one of system requirements. MS-DOS uses the FAT16 filesystem, which only supports partitions up to 2GB in size. This was no problem until Windows XP, which required a comparatively large amount of space - at this point, the filesystem was converted to FAT32 and resized to 25GB using the GParted Linux LiveCD, which is a fantastic little utility. For Windows Vista, the partition had to be converted to NTFS using the built-in converter tool.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the DOS versions of Doom 2 and Monkey Island still running in Windows 7 after all these years. Microsoft has had a lot of stick through the years (not least from me) but this really is a laudable achievement.

If I were to perform the experiment again, I would probably try finding a few Windows 1.0/2.0 applications and installing them to see if they were picked up in 3.0's program manager. I was unable to find
any native Windows applications that ran on 1.0/2.0, but I'm told early versions of Word and Excel did.

There is also an alternative upgrade path - instead of going from 98SE to 2000 to XP, it is possible to go from 98 to ME to XP. The former route was chosen as Windows 2000 was chronologically the next release after 98, and in any case I didn't have a Windows ME CD having never owned it. Maybe I'll release an "alternative history" version of the video that does just that, as I still have a VMWare snapshot of the 98SE installation before 2000 was installed.


Why Didn't you Install Windows ME?

Since Windows ME cannot be upgraded to 2000, I chose to install 2000 straight from 98 as it was chronologically the next release. I might do an "alternate history" version to see what going from 98 to ME to XP looks like.

Did Doom 2 and Monkey Island work in Windows 7?

Yes. Sorry I didn't point that out explicitly in the video.

Can you do the same thing with Mac OS?

I don't know enough about Mac OS to be able to say, and I would not be the best person to do that experiment as I have never been a Mac user.

Where are you from?


What's that beeping noise in the background?

My smoke detector - its battery is flat :)

Thanks for watching.


  1. Amazing !!!!!
    Thank you very much!!!
    By the way, QBasic programs do not work on Windows 7. It is pity, I cannot teach my son the base of programming.

    I gave a link to your video on my site

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      Aha, same question as what I raised several days ago. I bought a new computer and the new operating system is Windows 10 key. When I tried to activate the system, it prompted me that I need to have a product key. I asked friends and one of them recommended me the site from which I could easily order a product key. Then, I just followed his advice and really activated my system with the purchased product key. It didn't cost much and bought me a convenience service.

  2. Qbasic worked on Windows 7 for me in this experiment, the version I ran came from MS-DOS 5.


    You go into it in the video a little. But compared to a clean install of Windows 7 how much space was taken up by remnants of the old OS's

  4. Thanks a lot for the video. As it happens, my sister is just now upgrading my husband's dell computer from Vista (motto "Vista sucks") to Windows 7, so the Video was very timely and fun to watch. (I found it at The one piece of information that was missing (besides the Doom/Monkey Island question, which you answered in your FAQ) was how long it took Windows 7 to install.

    Thanks again
    be well

  5. Great Project man, I also laughed at "Twatface" being one of the usernames. You sound like you're from Northern Ireland.

  6. VMWare and EGA? I tried installing Windows 1 on VMWare not too long ago, but had to give up because the VMWare display emulator didn't support EGA. Did I miss something?

  7. A friend of mine shared the video on Facebook, so I popped by to read the blog. I am mightily impressed. Truly. This was too cool! Thank you for taking the time to do this!

  8. Thanks for the memories. It's amazing how fast 20 years of computing history fly ...

  9. There also Windows 3.11 which was a networking version of Windows 3.1 we used it in mid 1990s

  10. What about Windows NT? And, as previous commentators mentioned, Windows 3.11...

  11. Glad you left out ME. I don't think microsoft would mind. I think most ppl would agree that is the worst version they have released.

  12. Kool !!
    Just yesterday I blogged about how I started programming with Turbo C with DOS. How I started in COM and OLE....So much has changed in last 20 years :). For me timing of your trip down memory lane was just right.

    I think there was also a "Files and Settings Transfer Wizard" tool for Windows 2000. I use to like that concept. Recently Win7 upgrade installer nuked my boot sector and only way out was to have a fresh install. I know the pain of reinstalling every thing.

    Backward compatibility was the biggest advantage Microsoft has. And that is exactly what made Microsoft such a successful business. Linux is also successful because it is backward compatible with unix. iPad is hit because iPod and iPhone apps work on it...

  13. Andy,

    Genius my good man! Again as above this was a friend of mine posting it to facebook. I blogged about all the Versions of windows over a year ago so it was fantastic to see them in all their glory once again.

    Keep it up!



    Per this TechNet article, to install XP SP3 either SP1 or SP2 is required (SP2 is easier to obtain.) SP3 is supposedly cumulative, but if neither SP1 or SP2 is installed, you must edit the registry to fool the SP3 installer before it will run as documented here:

  15. QBASIC for ROMIHOME [4 March 2011 13:37]

    QBASIC.EXE and QBASIC.HLP are available in the "Old MS-DOS Utilities" part of Windows 95 CD-ROM Extras which may still be downloaded here:

    in the next to last section "Other Folder", the next to last file "Olddos.exe". The direct download link is:

    whioh is a 837 KB self-extracting PKWARE zip file. Move it to an empty directory (folder) and run it. It will give you these instructions and a prompt to continue or exit. Move the two QBASIC files to your \Windows or \Windows\system32 directory (or any folder listed in your PATH.)

    I have used QBASIC under every version of Windows since 95. It is hard to beat for a quick and dirty hack; or if you have a library of subroutines you have collected over time (as I do), it is still a great solution to a wide variety of tasks. Those two little files (you really only need the .exe) are a lot easier to install on a PC than (for example) Perl or Ruby; and many older PCs (there are still a lot of them out there) will run QBASIC but not the newer languages or scripts.

  16. That was a great video! Thanks for sharing!!

  17. Fantastic. Thanks for taking me down memory lane.

  18. Great video.. Made me nostalgic :-)

  19. I had no idea what the really old versions looked like! I remember 3.1 for a little bit, then 95/98 was for awhile and XP since it came out

  20. Well at least for me, very likely what happens is that when making each upgrade the system keep the original libraries that run these programs while using these modes may support what you are trying to do is emulate those libraries which operation is not the same, so it only asks me 2 questions: 1) this means then that if I needed to run an X program that has compatibility issues natively on my system should I install the original system and then make for upgrades to reach the desired system? 2) What is the difference in size of the resulting Windows 7 vs. 7 a clean installation? Anyone is encouraged to try to get answers?

  21. Muy Buen video, la verdad es que hiciste un muy buen recorrido por la historia de Microsoft....saludos

  22. This is insane. Totally swell.
    Well, I didn't quite get the point of upgrading to Windows 7 without the added features (such as auto window-size adjust, the show desktop shortcut in the RHS of the taskbar, etc)?
    Were you keen on running the Monkey Planet (and Doom II) from MS-DOS on Win 7 only?

  23. Excellent work and a great video. Interesting how the XP (really NT 5.1) installation appeared similar to the 98 (MS-DOS 7) setup as NT moved into the consumer market. Well done Andy, and many thanks for sharing this. You're a legend!

  24. Really enjoyed the video dude, surprised me afterwards when I spotted who created it :)

  25. You should have kept a single line regarding hybrid/gaming or professional use.
    Your sequence should split after windows 3.11

    The professional line would follow:
    Windows NT, Windows 2000, windows 2003

    The hybrid/gaming line would follow:
    Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me

    After that the O.S. names continue to stay the same (Vista, Windows7), but the addition of the words "Home", "Business", "Professional" or "Ultimate" define whether it is for home, business or hybrid use.

    If you would have respected this logic, Windows ME and Windows 2003 would be included, but you would have to make 2 movies instead of 1 movie.

  26. I actually found this really interesting since I grew up on mac systems. I'm also surprised that monkey island still works, as compatibility for older games was dropped in upgrading mac wise, as well as having to drop machines due to apple switching processors. (Not to mention having to use xpostfacto to get OS X to work on pre OS X machines.)

  27. Awesome post mate...

    Linked and followed at my blog



  28. I would definitely be interested in seeing the run from Win NT 3.5 through Windows 7 Professional.

  29. this is a very interesting project. I love to recall all those earlier versions of Windows, also present in my youth. thank you, greetings from Morocco.

  30. Great work, thanks for sharing.

  31. YEA :D

  32. posted this on my site, very well done Andy!

  33. Regarding one of your FAQs:

    Since different versions of Mac OS and Mac OS X have had limited support for different architectures (68k, PowerPC, Intel, etc.), it'd be pretty much impossible to do the same style experiment on a Mac.

    Very cool experiment.

  34. Did you know you can go also 98 -> ME -> 2000 ?

    Although Windows ME was released months later than 2000, 2000 has a higher version number, so you can do the trick too :-)

  35. this was an awesome video. I went from DOS 5.0 -> all the way through DOS 6.2 (if I remember correctly) all the way up the same path. However I remember wiping out machines because of file systems (FAT16, FAT32, NTFS). This was a great trip down memory lane. I got my first computer with DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.1 on it in 1991, and haven't been the same since :)

  36. Wow! Great stuff. Would love to get in touch to hear about your next experiment and see if we can work together...

    I am looking to hire MS content producers.

    Can you share your email or Twitter OR reach out to me at


  37. Nice one. Feels like I've done this a thousand times. As I recall I would install everything in the order
    1. DOS
    2. Windows
    3. drivers
    4. helpful apps
    5. big software
    6. turn off virtual mem and make a dedicated file for it.
    and defragment between every step. My customers wondered why I charged extra for it though.

    One trick was to install win 3.0 and then 3.11 on older machines since EGA and CGA support disapeared in 3.11.

    Those were simpler times, when my Amiga 1200 + fpu hightower (21Mb ram, 170mb hdd) was the fastest thing around.

  38. Awesome Stuff... Where the hell did you find all the old versions of windows though? i'd really like to get Q Basic running again. Also will be embedding youtube video on my website

  39. Very cool! A coworker sent me your video. We have a professional interest in upgrades in general since we work for the company that makes RTPatch. I thought it was especially cool that you selected Doom II as one the installed apps, because RTPatch was used to create patches for it, way back in 1994 (John Romero/id Software was one of the first users of RTPatch). Incidentally, if you still had the Doom patches laying around, they would work!

    Tony O-

  40. Hey,
    so - can you Upload a Filepack with the files who missed in Windows 7 - so "we" all can use old programms on Windows 7?
    This should be a nice project!
    Can you email me?
    dunnet gmx d0t net

  41. Great job, Andy.

    And I must also say, that the Vole has done a great jog also.

  42. Amazing work! Very interesting!

    And applauses also to Microsoft!

    (I am a Linux/OSX user)


  43. Excellent work, pretty enjoyable video.

    I started my blog and I couldn't help to quote and talk about your video. Although my stuff is in Spanish I'm trying to help your job reach other languages like mine.

    My blog:


  44. would have been interesting to see microsoft plus apps installed as well.

    would be cool if you posted the vhd of the final product for review

  45. Great work! Thank you very much for this video, make me remember good times. Amazing... :)

  46. This was very entertaining. Thank you for creating this video!

  47. @ROMIHOME:

    All your base belong to us!

    However, Javascript + HTML5 Canvas = New QBASIC

  48. Really interesting experiment. I've published a post on my blog... just to spread the word!

  49. Wowww, total blast from the past. Thanks, this was awesome!
    (And through most of this, I thought it was my smoke alarm beeping at me for a battery change.)

  50. Great Stuff,

    Interestingly, with regards to Windows 95 you missed out 95B and C editions.

    The former being when Internet Explorer was born and it was officially the first to support USB and FAT32.

    Also Windows 95C was the basis of Windows 98 as the whole "Active Desktop" theme and feel was stemmed from IE4 that was shipped with it.

    However in all fairness, if my memory serves me correctly, Windows 95B and C were never sold as retail copies, only shipped as OEM with newly sold PCs....correct me if I am wrong.

    If you could make another video of alternative upgrade paths that would be awesome - but this time have one video for the coporate upgrade paths (i.e. Windows for Workgroups, NT3.5, NT4, 2000 and then XP onwards (since after XP they merged into one product line with different flavours) and the other for the home user side.

    Just my two pence worth - otherwise that is an awesome video, especially impressive how 3.1 applications worked in Windows 7 flawlessly without requiring program compatibility wizard!!

  51. Awesome project!!
    Real scientists try finding the limits in the lab; so next project could be investigating the effects using the "famous" Doublespace in MS-DOS 6 (DriveSpace in 6.2) - and see the effect upgrading Windows.

  52. I understand that it took you some time to make this video and I would like to thank you for sharing it with us. It was very entertaining and I actually watched it twice.

  53. Excellent job!
    Brought me good old days using WfW 3.11+Win32s.

  54. Thanks for the memories. My enjoyment of your work comfirms my status of aging geek. I hope I can expect to see your video of Internet Explorer in the near future!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Okay, who is up for the task to do this on physical computers?

    1. Obtain a 286 install and upgrade as much as you can, the move the hard disk to a new computer or clone the disk

    2. Continue on a Pentium 100Mzh computer, delete drivers, reinstall new etc...

    Will this work or will diver and processor architecture incapability stop it?

  57. This was an excellent video.

    One point of feedback; I wanted to send this around the office so I could help educate people on why so many problems exist with windows, but I cannot because you created the user "twatface".

    I know it was an attempt at humor, and I quite enjoyed it, but this will not be seen as work appropriate here.

    Great job, otherwise.

  58. Can I get Windows 1.0 or 2.0? I wanna install it at my Virtual PC upload it and I'll download it

  59. quick question, why not have gone
    98 > ME > 2000 > XP?

  60. Absolutely great. I'm still sorry I threw out my 5.25 inch DOS and windows floppies a few years ago! Do you still have the old 8-inch floppies, any pictures to show the "kids"?

  61. What about Windows 3.11, 3.5, NT4, Mellenium?...i know that at some of these dont allow upgrades but not sure from what version to what version they are not compatible.

  62. Hi there,
    I put your video on my blog.
    Thanks for sharing.

  63. Having started doing Windows development with v1.03 in 1987, this was a kick to watch. Great job!

  64. I demand you put a file up with all the dependencies necessary to run DOS and MS QBASIC programs from Windows 7 on your blog. Don't make me waste an entire day going through the whole upgrade process...don't think I wouldn't do that!

  65. if i had a hat, i'd take it off before you.

  66. LOVE IT!! :) That is fantastic! Brought back memories of growing up DOS. :)

  67. Did windows xp/vista/7 keep the registered user from 9x?

  68. Featured on!

  69. I came across this fascinating video through ComputerActive magazine - what an interesting project to undertake! It gave me some happy nostalgic moments - my first "grown-up" computer ran Windows 3.1. I now have XP on my old desktop computer, Windows 7 on my small laptop and netbook, and Vista on my big laptop (going to install Win7 on it next week) - mostly Windows has been a good experience apart from a frustrating period with the dreadfully unstable ME but we'll draw a veil over that... Thanks for sharing this project - great fun!!

  70. Some of the commenters expressed a desire to see the enterprisey sequence, but for some reason misidentify what the current versions are. It would actually have to go:

    NT 3.1 -> NT 3.5 -> NT 3.51 -> NT 4.0 -> Windows 2000 -> Windows Server 2003 -> Windows Server 2008

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  72. I liked this in depth analysis very much and hope to see more historical walks through history in the future.

    Oh and this may help in future,

    Windows 98 Upgrade versions for FE and SE exist there.

  73. Well Done! I enjoyed watching the process.

  74. Very Interesting,

    Although it took me a while to get used to your voice, you sound very similar to I do xD

  75. I have buy a laptop which is ibook pro. This laptop has come with windws 98. My technician friends say that hardware can't cope with windows xp.
    Can you suggest anyway to install windows XP on my laptop? Please remember I am not a techie and explain it in a simple language that I can understand.

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  79. When I renew my laptop I plan to do it in my old one. I'll install MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 1.0. And i'll go through every version until Windows 7 (that came with my current laptop).

    Also here you replied the question I did in youtube about the partition sizes. xD

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  82. you recall my old days. Thanks !!!

    Great work

  83. When I was a student I preferred Win ME now I think Vista was the best I had no problems, I work from home selling import export goods online and Win 7 has nothing but a bit troublesome..

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  86. hello friends,its awesome information.use long path tool.

  87. I wonder if the path of win 1.0 > win 2 > win 3.0 > win 3.11 > win NT 3.1 > win NT 3.5 > win NT 4.0 >win 2000 Pro > win XP > win Vista > Win 7 > win 8 > win 10 would work?
    The only issue I foresee is. does win 3.11 upgraded ok to win NT 3.1? If yes great, if no then that would be a shame.

    With this way you can get 13 versions of windows over 30 years? as opposed to 10 versions over 24 years.

  88. Apart from all this keygen comments, can you do another of chain of fools video? Doing the upgrades till 10?

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  105. OK Andy, so you proved it was possible to upgrade through every version of Windows. Excellent work! But have you ever heard from someone that has actually done it? You know, someone who upgraded through every version of Windows since 3.1 as they were released! That's me! Not the same hardware, of course, but the same Windows installation upgraded through every version since 1993. Check out this screenshot, I just got through my free upgrade to Windows 10:

    That's 23 years of backward compatibility right there. The oldest file on my partition dates back to 1985! All the programs you see running there are original, installed when they first came out. If you know anyone else that has pulled this off, let me know. I'd like to share war stories!

    Art Roberts

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  121. I downloaded and install windows 10 creator update, But I did not like it. After installation Microsoft shows downgrade option early after upgrading to Windows 10 and remove it after one month. I recently upgrade my windows 8.1 Professional operating system to windows 10 Professional being getting a license from ODosta Store
    But I did not like its overall structure. I think Its not Windows 10, Its version should be windows 6 as it has many faults.
    I tried to downgrade back to my existing win 8.1 os and I saw as Microsoft was giving me option to downgrade. I thought that I'll downgrade after two month But after two month when I tried again, Microsoft removed that option. Now what to do. I searched and found your post, Which is very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing these details here.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    When you are using a Mac sometimes you can notice that over time your computer will be
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